
I need a hair cut. Badly. I have been so busy that I have no time to go to my usual salon in Mid Valley. This evening, I decided against my will to go to this salon across the road from where I work. I have been to this salon twice and I had a bad experience. That is why I have not returned. But I am desperate. So, I took a gamble and went today.

At the counter, the girl asked me if I have any specific "sifu" that I wanted. I said I don't have preference. I just wanted someone who could give me a normal haircut. The reason I said this was on both occasions I was in this salon, they gave me a young punk-Jinjang-Ah Beng hair style. Once, I actually commented to the "sifu" that I think she overdid it and she exclaimed that this is the "in" thing and that I look good. I said no, this will get me into trouble at work. No one goes to work in this hairstyle. She just pooh poohed my comment and sort-of give me that "don't be ridiculous" look. I was pissed! I thought I was the customer!

So I told the girl at the counter I wanted someone conservative. The girl who walked me to my seat was 6 foot tall and she said she could do it for me. I said "You?" because I thought she was just a counter girl.

"Do I look hip and lala girl?" she asked.

"Of course not", I answered, feeling pai seh that I actually thought that she's a counter/shampoo girl.

So, off she goes happily cutting my hair...

"Who cut your hair previously?" she quizzed.

"I don't remember. Some girl's name that start with H something," I said, trying hard to think of her name. It sounded like Hash, Hazel or some name that only come from Hong Kong.

"There's no one named H here"

"Oh well.. maybe she left, I said" and I told her the story about this H lady who was adamant to cut my hair in HER style instead of mine and that she did not even listen when I said no.

She cut and snipped. Then she rushed to attend to another customer. Cut and snipped.. Then ran to another customer.. Hmm, why was she so busy, I wonder, and why was her rushing around and not cutting my hair, felt so, um, disturbingly familiar. Nevermind, she did a good job anyway, I thought as I checked myself out in the mirror.

When she finished, she asked me if this was conservative enough and I said yes, good job.

She walked me to the counter.

"Thank you, she said. Let me give you my card. My name's Kash.. what's yours?"

And that was when it HIT me! RIGHT in the FACE! KASH! NOT HASH! I remembered this bitch who thinks that her name sounds like Cash and that it was pretty funny.

I looked at her hard, paid the fee, cursed myself and left.


How did I end up with her again?


  1. hahaha damn farni...
    it was like in your face kinda thingy but yet it was sorta unintentional


  2. this was super funny , made me LOL. see, u betul ageing fast, u couldn't even remembered her face - hahahahahhaahahaha

  3. If I am Kash .. I will cut your throat! Or poisoned you with tea that makes you go mute.

  4. anti ringgit so ganas one!


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