Apple Watch Orientation

I wear my Apple Watch on my left wrist. Instead of the digital crown on the right side, I turned it the other way around. Its unconventional but please hear me out. The mic and speaker are on the opposite side of the Digital Crown. When wearing it the conventional way, I have to put my arm across my mouth to speak or to raise my arm higher so that the speaker is at the same height as my ear. It looks funny and odd because of the way I hold out my arm. By turning the Watch around, I can speak and listen at a natural arm position - as though I’m resting my chin at my knuckle, in a thinking man posture. In this position, the mic is just right ubderneath my mouth and the speaker will blast upwards to my ear. I can just speak and listen to the Watch in a natural way. note: I need to swap the strap so that it is the way it was. I don't have to learn new way of wearing the watch. green arrows showing where the mic and speaker are