Watching Live Telecast from Padang Timur

Never in my life that I'd expect to see a change in regime in Malaysia. That the Opposition is now the government. I'd never have thought to see this in my lifetime. And yet, it happened, a week ago... what an exciting moment for Malaysia. We have been suppressed and under a cruel regime for so long.... and no, there's hope for a better Malaysia. A hope to return us to our greatness!

More importantly, I have utmost admiration and respect for Tun Dr Mahathir. He seemed to have unlimited energy and his mind is still as sharp as ever. For a 93 old man, he is so sharp, so full of energy and so strong. How many 93 year old can go through the ordeal he went through the whole of last week? It's just so amazing and so motivating. Lots of things to learn from the old man, huh?

Let's hope Pakatan will truly transform the country and make Malaysia a safe and progressive country! Maybe we don't need to migrate after all!


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