
So, it's the Eve.

This morning my mother told me that her brother, my uncle, passed away. Nobody really know the cause of death. His friend won some money from lottery and threw a drinking party. My uncle went for the party, had lots of drink and came back. My aunt commented that people gave free drink and he drank his life away. He said rubbish. If he was drunk, how could he drive home in one piece in a motorcycle? I believe my uncle is a good drinker but he's also old. I am guessing around 65. Anyway, he was tired. He slept but never woke the next morning. He was peaceful, according to my mother when she went to see him. They suspect that he must have heart attack (he had had attacks before, previously). Because it is Chinese New Year and there are no monks available to perform some of the funeral rituals, the wake will be held on the 3rd day of CNY. He will be cremated and "buried" on the 4th day. I didn't really know my uncle well. I wish him a good and peaceful rest.


So we had a small family dinner. Some "Holland peas" vege, huge prawns, abalone+mushroom (yucks.. I really do not understand why people paid so much for this piece of.. of.. whatever) and a home made shark fin soup. It was a good dinner.

We cleaned up after that and I was given the task of sweeping and mopping the floor. So while I was waiting for the pail to fill, it suddenly occurred to me that kids these days have maid at home. Do these little people know how to mop a floor? Or wash the dishes? Or do the laundry. I see some of my colleagues having maid at home. While the maid do really help in freeing one from the hardwork of cleaning the house, does she do any good in the building of the children's character? Will they end up being some spoilt brats that order people around? Hmm.. food for thoughts eh? Even when doing menial housework. Now, that's the character that my parents built! :P


You thought you have heard the last of Bonnie eh? Well, you can't run away. Even during eve, we had some drama going on. It is such a long story I think I'll talk about it later. In a gist: She received a very bad peer feedback. She found out that I was one of the few people who gave the feedback. She said she's disappointed in me. I questioned if she things I am wrong. She said yes. Boss recommended her to take a inter-personal relationship class. Unknown to her, I enrolled for the same class (Disclaimer: I enrolled on my own, not based on recommendation :P). When we found out that we were in the same class, we looked at each other and someone from the team commented, is this a class for "problem child"? Hahaha, it's so funny that we burst out laughing.


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