First Impression

Doctor Love asked about first impression. Here's what I commented in his/her website:

Let's see.. I had had many dates and I personally feel that 1st impression is very important. I am sure the ladies will vouch for this.

Of course, I'd make sure I dress well and proper. No jeans and round neck T-shirts. I would also bring the girl to a really nice restaurant. What's important is that we have ample time to talk.. so the restaurant has to be the atmospheric and quiet type of restaurant where we could talk to find out about each other.

Normally, some couples will go for movies during their first dates. As for myself, I don't believe that we should go to movies. Years ago, I read in the papers that some people went for movies because they have nothing much to talk about during first dates and movies are a good place to escape.

For me, I'd rather much find out about each other than use a movie to mask the fact that we don't have much to talk. Movies can be a 2nd date thingy.

How do I feel during the meeting? Well it depends on the partner and the liking level I have on the girl. If I like her a lot, I tend to be very kan cheong (anxious). I'd try to please her by thinking of interesting things where we can talk about. Sometimes, I lost interest and at those moments I'd be bored.

Do I call them again after our first date? Definitely? I usually give us at least 3 dates to get to know each other before deciding.. That's how it is.

Heh heh.


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