Dogbone gave me a desk calendar every year. I have been using the calendar since 2000 (I think) and every year, during the last week of December when things are pretty quiet in the office, I would flip through my desk calendar and look at what had happened in the past 12 months This year was an interesting year. I started the year in Dallas, and came back on the day before CNY. Spent CNY with the family (mine and Anne’s). In February, I went for a all guys trip to Penang with the old school friends: Loochomus, Baliant, Whitedruid. In March, I made a LANparty trip to Cameron Highlands with Zipd, Dogbone, Droolman and Gayric. In April, I started hunting for a house. I saw a gadzillion houses – some are pretty good, others were disappointing. Attended Monica’s wedding in May. In the same month, I saw Grease, the musical in KLCC Convention Center. June marked the month where I was promoted to a managerial position. In July, my company moved to a new building. I started to look and hire in ...