Happy Valentine's Day

So, yesterday was Valentine’s Day. Anne and I celebrated our first V-Day together. I decided to make her a nice and personal gift. I bought this hand-made, small little box with lots of hearts. It’s almost like a jewelry box. It opened from the top and is big enough to store a pad of yellow Post-It Notes.

Of course, I have a yellow Post-It Notes in hand. The idea is to write one major event during our courtship into one piece of Post-It note, dated with Yahoo! Widget’s desk calendar graphic and my personal point of view of the event. Some are outright funny. Others are bound to make her blush. For example, the first time we met, the day we officially became a couple, the first time we held or our first kiss. Or our first fight or the boo boo we made... heh heh heh. I spent a lot of time printing and cutting little pieces of notes to be pasted into the Post-It pad. That would allow her to just peel of one piece at a time to read or to put in a scrap book – whatever... something akin to those daily calendar with comic in which you tear off each day to read the comic.

The picture in this post is a sample of how my work looks like. (My camera is not working anymore, so I am attempting to simulate it with MS Paint)

The last few pieces of the Post-It notes contain coupons, with no expiry date, which will enable her to claim some Ringgit's Love... LOL...

It was a fun project. I enjoyed myself tremendously.


  1. Is this office property that you were using? Tangkap Tangkap!

  2. great idea but come from a guy? ggggggzzzzzzzzzz.......

    I thought only girls do this kind of thing.

  3. It's like this, roti.. if you are on the receiving end, you'd think it's the best thing that happened. If you are just observing someone having such a honor, you will say sour things. Ka ka ka.. besides, I am known as SNAG (sensitive new age guy).. cough cough.. for a reason.


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