I'd like to tell you about X. X is the type of person you read in books; the Gandhis, the Martin Luther Kings, the Mother Teresas, the Florence Nightingales. He's the person that motivates you to be a better person. He's the one that inspire you, the one that brings out the best in you, the one who made you feel good because he treats you with respect, the type of person your parents wished you were. X is the type of person who so pure in this world of anger, hatred and sadness, that you wonder if he was from another planet. I said that X inspire people. I am sure you have met people who are good at motivating a whole lot of other people. Most of the times, though, these people are religious leaders or CEO of a companies or the successful diamond-level multi-level marketing genius. These people have the type of charisma to mesmerize you in their talk, to inspire and motivate you to do better in your job, to sell one more lamp/ling zhi/whatever. But really, two days after th...