
Yesterday, during breakfast, my mother nonchalantly declared that it was good of me to start looking for a house because I could also start planning for my marriage. I grunted indifferently. She then pressed on and asked me when I am getting married. I said next year is a good year, I guess. She was quite insistent because the third time, she suggested out loudly, why not register first? I was surprised at that statement. My sister was sniggering in the breakfast table.

I looked at her and she burst out saying that my mother and her went to visit Twar Ee (eldest aunt) recently and Twar Ee is trying to influence my mother to get me hooked asap. She said, don't wait for him to decide, if need be, you call Anne's mother directly.

"Wah lau!", I exclaimed, "So desperate meh?"

"With your temper, I scared Anne run away from you," she defended. "Since we are at this topic, I find that she's a really nice girl. She respect old people, she's soft spoken and not opinionated. You should hold on to her."


"And you are turning 35 soon... and she's also not young. You must be fair to people's daughter.."

"Okayyy..," even though I am just 33 and she's just 28... I think my mother IS desperate.

"And you don't want to have white hair only to see that your son/daughter is just 10 year old.. so don't sit on this!"


I don't know what to say to that :P


  1. hahaha....quick2 - go Habib Jewel - get the so called good quality ring la , but first - must find out the size eh :)

  2. I also dunno what you are waiting for...get pregnant before 30, better for the baby and mother.

  3. why so tragic one! i think i believe ..if you know the purpose of life then you are ready for marriage. it's not so much of yr age or how good yr partner is. if you lose your direction or no direction in life.. u r just not ready for anything .. my 2 cents!


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