Things I did

So what have I done in the past 5 days?
1. I saw World of Warcraft in ZipD's PC and I must say I am TEMPTED to play the game. I told Loochoomus and Daniel about it and somehow they are interested also despite having no pc, no internet connection and having to fork out rm200 for the game. I think they do not realize how potentially devastating this game could be to their lives or perhaps they are just curious after reading about it in the papers.

I also saw the 7 adorable puppies in ZipD's house.

2. I finished Lost 2. Really nice and interesting TV series.

3. I started playing CoH. It was fun. I played around 6-7 levels from the campaign and has started to get bored. I bet the multiplayer would be interesting.

4. I installed the Pentium 3 PC upstairs for dad to use. It has wireless. Don't play play.

5. Visited Anne's cousin brother who was hospitalized. Poor chap skidded and crashed into a lamp post in Jalan Damansara before Victoria Station restaurant (just before Help Institue). So, please be careful. Coincidentally, there was a tow truck waiting in the middle of the night. Coincident? I don't know. The family suspect that there's something fishy going on (read smearing the road with oil hoping for accident). I'd like to think that the tow truck guy is not that heartless. I mean, I'd like to think that no human being would destory someone's life/take away another person's life for the rm200-300 they could earn. I wish I am right.

6. Read 3/4 of New Human Revolution.

7. Bonding with the family - went out for a few makans (bfast, dinners) with the family.

8. Installed Firefox 2 and IE 7.

9. Waste lots of time surfing.

10. Do some office work.. yawn... it keeps me occupied...


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