
Wow.. this is truly bizarre!

In my previous post, I said that I have migrated the old Blogger account, ringgit, to a new Google account. When you migrate the blog, you have to create a new Google account or tied to an existing G account. I decided to create a new Google account and I typed [email protected]. Happily I submitted and the following day, I found out that I have typed someone else account! I don't own [email protected]!

Trying all sort of troubleshooting steps documented to recover my a/c was to no avail as every documented steps will send an email to [email protected] for verification. I even logged a support call with Blogger - no response, naturally.

Finally I decided to email [email protected]. I hoped that it was not an old email account that is not used anymore. I hope there is someone who constantly check this email. To my surprise, there is a person on the other side and he responded! The man helped me reset my password and emailed me the new password - and I have access back to my blog!

[email protected], sir, Thank you!
You are da man!


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