Bedroom set

Anne and I was hunting for furniture and we saw this bedroom set.. Full solid rubber wood. Full solid, as in, even the interior is made of rubber wood, not half solid like some other furnitures (of course, this is what the salesman claimed). The set is made up of a queen size bed, 4 door with 2 drawers wardrobe, 2 side tables, 1 dressing table with a stool and 1 so-called TV cabinet. If we have no use of a TV cabinet, it can be pushed into the dressing table so the dressing table will have extra drawers. Anyway, every piece of furniture is made of rubber wood. Really nice.. Really solid.. the type that you know will last your for years and years and the type of furniture your children will wish they owned.

How much does it cost? RM3,300.

AIIIIII.. should we get it?


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