Gosh - I have developed a new OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. When I see games on sale in Steam, I want to buy it.. even though I know I don't have the time to play them. Steam is a digital distributor/online games store. Whenever you buy a game, your account is tagged with that game. You can download the game from any PC and play it. It's also a social network platform. My friends will see me in a game. They can chat with me when I am in a game (or technically, since they know I am in-game, they shouldn't disturb me :P ) They will also know what games I own and can join me in a multiplayer game if we both own the same game.

And Steam knows about my OCD, which explains the reason it has weekend sale, mid-week sale and holiday sale. Essentially, I am paying US$5 or US$10 per game, every week, so that I can have the game listed in my account. Someone said it more eloquently than I could and I quote that person: "I realized I'm giving Valve money to put game titles on a list. I don't even download them, they just sit on my "My Games" list, and theoretically I own them, but I don't play them. "

I need help! :)

So what I am doing is being smart about it.. as much as I could. I made a list of games I want to play. I prioritize the list. Whenever I see a game in the list that is on sale, I will grab it. At least, it's a way to control my OCD.

Besides, potentially I will be out of job.. so I should not spend so much :P


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