Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone... hope you have a great start. Every emails I received at work were about fast start la.. leap ahead la.. time to quickly close gap la.. etc.. but it wasn't such a great start for me. Yesterday, my boss shared with me my 2009 assessment .. it was just 'meeting expectation', being a 'solid contributor'. Well, I am not surprise, seeing how my boss doesn't think highly of the technical contribution from the team.

In my 10+ years in this company, this is the first year I received a 'meet expectation' rating. I read this as a sign. The traffic light at the cross road is screaming a NY message to me - change job!

Aside from the said 'fast start' and motivational stuff I received from company executives (which is beginning to sound rather hollow now), I saw at least 4-5 farewell emails .. my fellow colleagues are also changing jobs.. leaving the company. In such an economic situation, people are still changing jobs! Or perhaps, I am the one that is still perceiving the economy in a negative light where as in actual fact, it's already picking up. I must change my perception. Take the bold steps.

One of my best friends is also changing job! After being in the current company for years, he finally took the bold steps and is going to a brand new job in March.

Aren't these signs?


  1. it is good
    i like it

  2. Hey, u hv been 10+ in I-kei , all these years getting 1 rating wor - that was super duper good leh...If I were there, I doubt I could make it leh....sorry , wasn't online to chat with you while u pinged me....no harm of looking out or looking up or down or sideways :) ...just that for whatever change you are goin thru, you definitely need double effort to adjust lor , so be prepared and march forward when opportunity comes, seize it yea...


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