Hello Blogo

Sometimes you just need to have a great piece of writing software to help you concentrate and let the creative juice running in your brain. Web browser is great but it's also full of distraction. That is why there are so many popular text editors such as iAWriter or Vesper or even journals like Day One to help you write without distraction. I'm sure there's a lot of blog editor app as well and I'm trying this one out called Blogo. It's a new app for iOS but not new for the Mac and more importantly, it's by a startup company which has an aim to help make blogging fun. And it works as a front end to Wordpress and Blogger. Let me try it out and I'll share with you how I feel about this app later.

Edit: the app is great but I think there are still some kinks that needed to be worked out especially when it comes to integration with Blogger. I believe it will be more fitting for Wordpress, being the popular blogging platform, but there seemed to be some bugs with Blogger. I have reported them and the developers are very courteous and helpful, so I am positive this will improve the more I use it. I am glad I stick by it, the experience is definitely better with a dedicated tool than just a standard browser. And the fact that they are continuing to improve it will guarantee a better experience.

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