What to pack in modern day travelling

Well, recent all guys trip to Cameron Highlands thought me some stuff about what to pack for a trip. For one, an iPhone with Apple Music subscription is really key. During the drive, connect your iPhone to the car Bluetooth and voila, all your playlist are available. And if any of the guys have some special requests, you have millions of songs available at your finger tips. We had a good time reminisence listening to old Canto pop, thinking of the good times at school when these songs were a hit. And it creates lots of conversation topic as well when nostalgia hit.

Second, and this is where I made the mistake of not thinking about it, you need an Apple TV! Apple TV is very small and portable. If we were to bring the Apple TV, we can easily connect to the hotel/apartment's TV and you have the whole catalog of YouTube and even Apple movies available to watch!!! Even if you don't own the show, it's worth renting it so that everyone can enjoy! You don't need to have the hotel wifi connection. Remember that you have your iPhone with you. You can always do a Air Play from the iPhone to the Apple TV. That's the whole point of it. And don't forget with maxis new data plan, there's LOADS of data for you to play videos or listen to songs. Maxis even have extra data just for video playback.

Third, you definitely need an iPad - for the times when there's really nothing to do (rare, because there's so much to gossip and catch up), you can play some games on the iPad. There are some board games like game such as Settlers of Catan where 4 people can hunched around the iPad to play the game. Or the iPad can be passed around. Well, I brought the iPad but thankfully, we didn't come to this stage of needing it.


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