Gosho Reading Podcast

My family launched a podcast. We want to solve a problem which is to make it easy for people to read the writings of the Buddha, Nichiren Daishonin. His writings are called the Gosho. Most of the time, you need to sit down on a study and read his writings. These days, everyone is so busy running about doing things and it's a challenge to find time to read. How about if someone read it for you? All you have to do is listen in the car or while you are doing your housework. There is no interpretation, no propaganda. It is just 4 or 5 people taking turns to read the Gosho, as it is meant to be. Please check it out in Spotify: I have also published it in YouTube. Watching it in YouTube will have the added advantage of reading the Close Captioning/Subtitles. Finally, I also have a website where I try to categorize Daishoning quotes by everyday topic, for example, On death, On Envy and Jealousy, On the verge of Giving Up. Please check that out too: Quotes from Nichiren Daishonin Gosho